“Can I have a sandwich?!” (Aka my day at the emergency room)

Recovery is a fickle bitch. Sometimes you are allowed to heal while sometimes you find yourself laid up in complications. Fickle bitch. It’s also lonely. Not in the sense that no one is around you, I mean in the days after surgeries the texts and calls wane so you can have your “peace” or “space” […]

What happened

While social media tends to fill in the gaps of the big moments of our lives a few people have asked what happened so I figured I could write it down here for you. Here’s what happened: I woke up January 8th with a tinge of nausea and a not quite rested head. I washed […]

The Whole Damn Thing

I’ve been in a foul mood. I’ll admit that. Until now I’ve been unwilling to admit why. I act like it’s because I am an unwitting victim of a brain tumor and that the universe is out to get me. I don’t really believe that, and that’s not really why, and I really figured that […]